Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our future Horse, "Fatham"

Fatham is on the left. Addie and Violet fed them apples.
Fatham loved Addie! He can't wait to come home with us.

Fatham is a 20 year old quarter horse, called the "gentle giant". He is beautiful and easy to ride, perfect trail horse for our girls. Some friends of ours are going to let us use their barn and 60 acres of trails just 1/2 mile from our home. A new chapter of life opens as we welcome a horse into our lives.......

Halloween 2009

Violet is the Little Mermaid.
My friend Claudia made Violet's Little Mermaid costume out of scrap materials, she loved it!

Trick or treating sisters.

Addie was a Vampiress.

Violet Rose Sieber, our little girl

Violet petting Alfred the kitten
Violet dressed up as a nurse on "What I want to be when I grow up day"

Violet having lunch after preschool.

Violet and her mommy (Amber).

Violet feeding sweet precious baby Eli Jones.

Violet and her best friend Marek.

Our Country Kitchen

For those of you who haven't seen our new home here is a snapshop of our country Ikea kitchen. The walls are solid pine and the cabinets are from Ikea in Chicago. I am cooking something, probably scrambled eggs! Come and visit us, we want visitors!

Grama Debi

Amber with her mother, Debra

Addie and Grama Debi

Friday, May 15, 2009

Addie's dance recital: Restored to Glory

Grampa Max and Grama Sally with their 4 great grand children. Left to right, Nova (8), Stella (11), Addie (8) and Violet (4).
Addie with Kevin after the performance.

Addie coming out right after the dance was over and recieving flowers from Violet.

Our grandparents loved it, Max and Sally Amstutz.

Addie in her dress, a lady a made all the dress by hand, over 100! Addie's was a white dress with a baby blue vest and then wore a crown of flowers.

Aunt April was a helper mom, her 5th year.

Stella and Nova. This was Stella's 7th year dancing and Nova's second.

Nova, Addie and Violet (Violet is on the waiting list to get into the dance program)

Proud mom and dad. It was so special to watch Addie and our nieces dance for the Lord. Also our cousins, Nikki, Breann, and Tori Fawcett were dancing. This dance program is called Restored to Glory and the lady who runs it wants to restore dance back to it's purest form to glorify God. Kevin and I always shed tears and this time was no exception. Praise God!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Addie's 8th Birthday Party at the Roller Dome

Addie did really well in the limbo!
She had 15 guests, and it was the most fun birthday she ever had.

Nova eating icecream.

Gracie to the left, Alex to the right.

Looking Good! She invited boys to this birthday party and all of them came, we were so surprised, and it made it so much more fun. I would recommend a rollerskating party for your kids!

Brother Austin

Austin's spring gobblers
Snapping turtle claw neclace

Three 35 pound snapping turtles shot with a bow

Me, Amber, holding the turkey decoys. I went turkey hunting for the first time ever!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Our rustic pine floor

Our woodstove hearth. Now we have a Fisher freestanding woodstove there. We don't use our furnace at all, in fact the woodstove makes it too hot inside!
The finished eastern white pine rustic floor. My dad and I installed it. We glued it to the floor, it was literally back breaking work. I remember having blisters on my hand from troweling the glue on the floor, and I wondered wether or not to tell my dad (because most likely he would say, "so") but I told him and he said, "I do too"!

Me putting the one and only coat of "gingerbread" stain on. I brushed it on and then rubbed it off with rags. It took me 8 hours one day, I swore I would never do that again! We love our new home and our awesome floor.

Violet's preschool let them wear a hat on on "Hat's off to Spring" day. She is sporting her High School Musical hat.
Also, they celebrated Dr. Suess' birthday that week, and she wanted to dress up like Cindylou Who. I was surprised she wanted to dress up in costume, and we put real hoops in her hair.

Spalsh Universe

We took Stella and Nova, our nieces, and Addie and Violet to Splash Universe. We stayed in the Amish Country Inn.....there were no amish there. For those of you who don't know what Amish are, they were homemade clothes and bonnets and ride in a horse and buggy and don't use electricity. They live right here in Leo and Grabill. Anyways, they live in Shipshewana, too and that is where we were at Splash Universe. It was soooo much fun. We only stayed one night but had two whole days to swim. It was sort of like a cruise ship for kids. Icecream, pizza, puppet show, magic show, story time, popcorn and of course the water park. Even Kevin and I loved it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Winter Jam 2009

My sister, April and our two nieces, Stella and Nova with Addie and Violet all went to the Memorial Coliseum to watch the Winter Jam concert. There were no presales tickets, and we ended up waiting in line for an hour and there were thousands of people who did not get a ticket! We were lucky! Kevin and Dave worked at the concert! It was awesome! We mostly wanted to see Toby Mac, the coolest and rockin Christian singer. Violet was having a blast.....but her bedtime came just before Toby came out, and she was out like a light! I was holding her and jumping and dancing and she never woke up! The next day she said, "I didn't get to see Toby Mac!"

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Addie's Basketball Game

Addie shooting, and makes it! (She's in the pink shorts) She made 4 baskets in total. She also won the best sportsmanship award on her team for this game. She has such a great attitude out there, better than I thought! She also gets nervous and bites her nails, but she hussles down the court.
The league is called Upwards, and it is a Christian based basketball league. Their team is called the Hoosiers!
Gearing up with the hand-me-down pink Converse.