Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Putting our beloved dog to rest-JAIDA-

Amber at Jaida's grave. I called her "My Lady".
Violet and Addie loved Jaida. They fed her and cared for her in her last days.

This is Jaida sleeping before we took her to the vet to be put to sleep. She was deteriorating and just falling apart. She was incontinent of urine and very arthritic, although she still went out to pee and poo. She would go a day or two with out eating and just sleep all day. It was a week earlier that I witnessed her having a seizure that put me over the edge and I finally made the appointment.

Jaida's last drink of water. Violet was crying hard (you can see her red eyes).

We took her to the Grabill Vet to be put to sleep. We put her on a sheet in the back of our car and gave her a frozen chunk of deer meat. She loved it! When we got her to the vet, she was nervous, and I was a mess, crying under my breath. We took her in the room and the vet tried to put a turnequet on her arm to access her vein and she licked him, that is just one example of how loving and selfless Jaida was. It was like she was telling him, "It's okay, I know my time has come." Then he injected the medication and she layed down on the floor and stopped breathing almost instantly. He said she may gasp for air due to her nerves stopping and that's when I let out a cry that I couldn't hide or hold in and I plugged my ears so that I wouldn't hear her. The vet wrapped her up in the sheet and put her in my car! Addie and I ardusouly carried her to her premade grave and lowered her in. She was still warm and I sat there and stroked her fur and cried. I had a hard time making myself cover her with dirt, I wasn't ready to let go. So we went into the garden and collected rocks and then to the beach and got a load of beach sand. Finally we covered her, me, Addie and Violet all helped. Then we topped her off with sand, rocks and a cross. I will never forget that day and I still miss her so much.
Queen Jaida Jewel 1996-2010 Yellow Lab "Jaida" Seasoned water fowel retriever

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Making Cookies with Friends

Tate and Violet making homemade from scratch pumkin cookies with frosting.
Parker with popsicle.

Tate stirring the batter.

Aprons and all!

Sledding in the morning

Nova, Addie and Violet found a hill by April's house and they call it Cliff Hill. It snowed several inches overnight and we woke up to white winter wonderland! I made a snow angel tonight and lost a key out of my pocket! So I got Kevin's metal detector out and found it!