Friday, October 12, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Sorry about some of the very large pictures, they were taken in landscape mode on my camera and they turned out big, but beautiful!!

                        Wild Alaskan black bear we spotted on the way back from salmon fishing!  Listen to how we wine and yell at Rex!  Poor dad!

 So, I went to Juneau, Alaska to visit my sister, Alexis and her family!  My favorite part was.....everything!  My desire was to spend every dying minute with my sister and her baby, Hazel, which I accomplished.  I also wanted to fish, I did that too, but the only catching was my bait on the bottom of the river!  But I was given a coho salmon by a very kind alaskan man, and with the help of Vinny and Lexy, we got it in the freezer and home to Indiana.
                      This is me in front of a Mendenhall Glacier, it was a sunny day in Juneau, RARE!

                                                My own Alaskan named beer, it was great!
Gus the French bulldog and Hazel
So we went to a remote cabin in the Tongass National Forest, we had to travel to the small cabin by boat on the ocean.  We had  a small oil stove and tiny kitchen.  There was a fresh stream right by the cabin that lulled us to sleep and had gold flakes sparkling in the sunlight.  The forest was somehow enchanting, moss covered  and the ground felt spongey.
There were mushrooms everywhere, all different shapes and colors.

Chilcat mountain range

Sister Alexis and Hazel
Our boat got stuck on the rocks when the tide went out!