Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yes, I was pumped!

He fell just a few yards from where I shot him.

This was just after I shot him, I look okay but my heart was pounding so hard I couldn't hear myself talk! My dad and I were walking to find a place to sit down when I saw a deer about 150 yards away grazing on some trees and brush. We hurried up and sat down on our chairs and got the sticks set up, loaded the gun and looked through the scope. Then I saw another deer close to the first and he came into an opening, that's when my dad made a weird snorting sound and then the deer looked at me and I put his heart right in the middle of my scope and pulled the trigger!! AHH! He dropped instantly, and it was the first time I have ever shot a high powered rifle, and it was a good shot because I harvested my first deer ever! Thanks to my dad who is the best deer hunter ever! And now I can catch up with my mom.

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