Saturday, April 4, 2009

Our rustic pine floor

Our woodstove hearth. Now we have a Fisher freestanding woodstove there. We don't use our furnace at all, in fact the woodstove makes it too hot inside!
The finished eastern white pine rustic floor. My dad and I installed it. We glued it to the floor, it was literally back breaking work. I remember having blisters on my hand from troweling the glue on the floor, and I wondered wether or not to tell my dad (because most likely he would say, "so") but I told him and he said, "I do too"!

Me putting the one and only coat of "gingerbread" stain on. I brushed it on and then rubbed it off with rags. It took me 8 hours one day, I swore I would never do that again! We love our new home and our awesome floor.

1 comment:

The Loyd's said...

can i say JEALOUS!!!! You did an awesome job on the floors... we watched the guy who installed our floors & yes it looked "back-breaking"!
Love the updated blog!

Love ya.