Friday, May 15, 2009

Addie's dance recital: Restored to Glory

Grampa Max and Grama Sally with their 4 great grand children. Left to right, Nova (8), Stella (11), Addie (8) and Violet (4).
Addie with Kevin after the performance.

Addie coming out right after the dance was over and recieving flowers from Violet.

Our grandparents loved it, Max and Sally Amstutz.

Addie in her dress, a lady a made all the dress by hand, over 100! Addie's was a white dress with a baby blue vest and then wore a crown of flowers.

Aunt April was a helper mom, her 5th year.

Stella and Nova. This was Stella's 7th year dancing and Nova's second.

Nova, Addie and Violet (Violet is on the waiting list to get into the dance program)

Proud mom and dad. It was so special to watch Addie and our nieces dance for the Lord. Also our cousins, Nikki, Breann, and Tori Fawcett were dancing. This dance program is called Restored to Glory and the lady who runs it wants to restore dance back to it's purest form to glorify God. Kevin and I always shed tears and this time was no exception. Praise God!

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