Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Amber's Squirrel Hunt (not for the weak stomach)

I even skinned and cleaned it myself, got on Bayou Bills All Outdoors and self taught myself.

Last year was the first year that I went squirrel hunting, with my broseph Austin. He is the ultimate guide! So I tried it out by myself this year. I was sitting in the woods, looking and listening like Austin taught me and all of the sudden I heard them barking just to my left and lo and behold there was one sitting on a branch not too far from me. I laid my 22 on a tree and shot, squirrel fell and everything's history from there.
I went out just yesterday with Austin and we tagged teamed it. I shot another red fox squirrel and made creamed squirrel over homemade Big Daddy Biscuits for dinner. Just like our mom used to make. We might sound like hillbillies, well maybe we are....! Even Addie and Violet like it.


Anonymous said...

How sad and barbaric. Are there no grocery stores with vegetables where you live?

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool, good for you! Too many squirrels around anyway.

Anonymous said...

fucking murder!

Anonymous said...

Awesome and where do you grocery shoppers think meat comes from. Better fresh and organic.

Unknown said...

It's unfortunate that you got some of the comments you got. I am not a hunter and count myself as very pro-animal but have always thought that it is a skill I should master. Being able to feed yourself in an emergency is always useful. Well done. All other hateful comment, learn where your food comes from.

Anonymous said...

You disgusting retarded freak! You should shove that gun up your ass and pull the trigger you sub human piece of filth! You disgrace the human species! I hope you get cancer and die!

PawLetsUK said...


Anonymous said...

Wow you are amazing! You can kill a small defenceless animal with a gun.
And yes I am aware of where meat comes from, which is why I choose not to eat it or any animal products. That is right, I choose not to kill or torture or pay anyone money to hurt other living sentient creatures. Weird huh?! I know.
It is strange and probably a concept rednecks like yourself will not understand.
I seriously doubt you will ever understand how much harm people like you do to the world around you. You just aren't bright enought to get it.

Anonymous said...

Did it ever occur to you that poor squirrel had a family like yours that she loved? That she wanted to live & enjoy life just as much as you do? I truly hope you'll learn to respect life someday. Also eating vegetables is not as awful as you might think=o(

Anonymous said...

You must be very proud of yourself, keep the photo's and show them to your children and grand children they will be proud of you as well ?

Anonymous said...
